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Coping with emotions

Whether you’re dealing with anger, sadness, frustration or anxiety - it’s important to have some healthy ways to cope with these difficult emotions.

Coping with emotions

Learning to cope with emotions

Some emotions are easier to deal with than others

Dealing with difficult emotions can sometimes lead to some unhealthy ways of coping.

Learning to cope with these emotions in a positive way can help you live a healthier and happier life.

Talking can help!

Express your feelings and thoughts by talking with someone you trust:

Kids Helpline

Let your emotions out physically

Let your body help you express your feelings by:

Going for a walk or run

Squeezing a stress ball

Singing and dancing

Playing a sport

Doing some chores


Find creative ways to express your emotions

When you can’t find the words, try to express your feelings by:

Drawing, painting or colouring
Writing a story or starting a diary
Making a scrapbook
Playing an instrument

Try some relaxation strategies

Help your mind and body to refocus by trying some:

Deep breathing



Muscle relaxation

Comfort yourself

Try to calm or soothe your emotions by:

Cuddling a pet, pillow or toy
Having a bath or shower
Listening to your favourite music
Pampering yourself

Distract yourself

If your emotions are too strong to express in other ways, try to distract yourself by:

Watching TV or a movie

Looking up funny videos or memes

Doing something you enjoy

Playing a game

Learning something new

Talking or hanging out with friends

There’s always something you can try or somebody you can talk to.

While it’s good to work on some things that can help you cope, you don’t have to face this alone.

If you need support to find ways to express your emotions in a positive way, call us on 1800 55 1800, start a WebChat, or send us an email today.

You can also check out Head to Health for other digital services and resources.

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This content was last reviewed 14/09/2021
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